Matthew 3:2 (NKJV)
“and saying, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!’”
The two most important aspects of the salvation message are repentance and the Kingdom of heaven. Without repentance, the life of man cannot experience or enter the Kingdom of heaven. It is foolishness to believe you’ve entered the Kingdom without first going through the door of repentance. The sorrowful and broken-hearted are those who understand their wretchedness in sin and need a savior.
When we go to the wilderness, remember you are inviting people into the Kingdom of God, and the passcode of entry is repentance. And for those of us already in the Kingdom, the passcode to remain is still repentance, because only those who detest and abhor sin can enter and live in the kingdom. If you even feel the slightest movement of the self-life in you, repent quickly and invite the overflow of grace to erase its traces from your life once again.
“Jesus, Your death on the cross, guaranteed my entrance into the Kingdom, but I needed first to recognize my abhorrent state of sin before I could repent and come in. Lord Jesus, never let me forget that You opened the door for me and let my abhorrence of sin ever continue, all the days of my life. Amen.”