January 16, 2018

Jan 16, 2018

Matthew 3:3 (NKJV) 

“For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.” ‘” 

The way to bring change in the society and our communities is by doing two things. First, we must learn to cry out. Unless the evil all around us breaks our hearts, we will not cry out. For preaching of righteousness to be effective, crying must precede it. John the Baptist was a heartbroken man, crying for the lostness in the wilderness. If we first learn to cry, then heaven will hear and honor the words of our preaching. Secondly, we must acknowledge that we cannot change people and only the Lord can. Our task is simply to prepare the way for the Lord to do His work. It’s not my job to change men; that’s the Lord’s work. My job is simply to prepare the way so that hearts are ready for Him to come and make the change. 

Let’s get out there, weeping for the brokenness of our world. And as we do, the Lord Himself will honor our cries and come in His glory to bring about change. “Lord, keep my heart broken by the things that break Your heart. I know that I cannot change anyone but please Lord, use me to prepare the way for You to come in Your glory and splendor; for only You can bring the transformation our broken world so desperately needs. Come, Lord Jesus. Come!”


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