Matthew 3:7 (NKJV)
“But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, ‘Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?‘”
Be bold to confront sin and error. Never be afraid to confront sin and sinfulness around you. The socialized gospel that keeps telling sinners of the love of God without mentioning the wrath of God is a humanistic gospel that can never change society. Sin must be confronted for sin to be uprooted. Don’t be fearful to call a sin a sin. When God is with you, you can get away with it, and even if you are persecuted for calling a sin a sin, then that is righteous persecution and great is your heaven above.
John called them brood of vipers. He was especially hard on the religious clergy because they were full of deceit and pretentiousness. And the same is happening with the professional club of clergymen today. So much irreverence, callousness, and greed have entered the circle of ministers, which we must indeed confront when given an opportunity to do so.
“Lord, fill me afresh with the power of Your Spirit and I know I will speak Your counsel with all boldness to whosoever needs to hear it. Deliver me from humanism in the name of Christ and give me rather the constant burden to speak the word that confronts error. In Jesus name. Amen.”