January 20, 2018

Matthew 3:8,10 (NKJV) 

“Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance…And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” 

The proof of genuine repentance is a changed life. If I say I repent and yet continue in the same old direction, then I have not repented. We only fool ourselves if we carry on in the same old way and say we’ve repented. Once we have genuinely encountered God and the conviction of God comes, then out of necessity we must make some structural and life changes.  

Bearing good fruit is not optional. If I say I am in Christ and yet I continue to bear evil fruit, then there’s a mortal danger lying before me. Bearing fruit that honors God is the sign of a genuine life of God in the heart of a man. Don’t pamper sin. Don’t procrastinate about changing your lifestyle. Every disobedience is sin. The ax is at the root of the tree that refuses to change. 

“Lord, may the evidence of Your presence in me be the fruit-bearing of good and godly fruit. Lord, permeate my very being and flush out any remnant of disobedience lurking anywhere. Let my life be wholly overtaken by Your Spirit so that my only option is to bear heaven’s fruit on earth. Amen.” 


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