Matthew 4:4 (NKJV)
“But He answered and said, ‘It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” ‘”
Our flesh needs bread. Our minds need bread. Our entire humanity needs bread. Bread refers to the legitimate needs of human existence. The reasonable bread we speak of, includes the bread of love, the bread of acceptance, the bread of healing, the bread of security, the bread of friendship, the bread of rest, the bread of fulfillment, the bread of respect, the bread of sustenance and so on. And Satan knows we need these different types of bread and he will offer them to us at his own price and terms.
Our greatest resolve in life is to refuse to live to meet the needs of our bread but to live by the Word of God. It is only when we choose to live according to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, will the needs of bread be met in God’s way and God’s terms. We must never accept to be hostages of meeting the physical needs of our lives. God knows we need those “breads,” and He knows when and how to provide for them, but they must not supersede our desire for and living according to the revealed Word of God. Stick with the Word and your needs will be met, in His way and in His time.
“O Lord, give me this day, my daily bread and forgive me my trespasses. Forgive me the trespass of seeking for human breads without looking up to You. Forgive me for making the fulfillment of human need, the priority pursuit, rather than seeking to eat the eternal bread of heaven. Forgive me this day and feed me again with fresh bread from Your presence. This I plead for today, in Jesus name. Amen.”