January 29, 2018

Matthew 4:8 (NKJV) 

“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.” 

There’s glory in this world. We would be deceiving ourselves if we denied the fact that the kingdoms of this world can be and is glorious. The magnificent splendor and beauty of what this world offers are so strong, that to the unguarded it can slowly allure and charm your heart away. For those who have risen to the top of their areas of specialization and have experienced success in this life, they are more prone to get trapped by the enchantment of this worldly glory. 

Satan took Jesus up and then showed Him all the glories of this world, but Satan forgot that while still in this body, Jesus still had His eyes of the greater glory in the other kingdom. For us to overcome the seduction of the glories of this world, we must be fixated on the glories of the Kingdom of God. Living by the principles of this world equates worshipping Satan, and this is the price tag Satan has placed to enjoy the glories of this world. But our hearts must see that his glories will fade, and his kingdom will pass away, but there is a greater glory and an eternal Kingdom, that never fades nor ends. For this Kingdom we must wait; unto this Glory, we must fix our gaze. 

“Yes, this world is beautiful, and its charm is exceedingly alluring; but Lord, I keep my gaze on You and Your kingdom so that I can overcome the earth’s seduction. Lord, I will not bow to the ways of this world to enjoy the treasures of this world, but I will bow only to You so that I may partake in Your glorious and eternal Kingdom. Help me stay focus Lord, in Jesus name.” 


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