January 30, 2018

Matthew 4:10-11 (NKJV) 

“Then Jesus said to him, ‘Away with you, Satan!…Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.’” 

I have often wondered why the angels only came to minister to Jesus after Satan left him. Could it be because it was necessary to use the powers of heaven to rebuke Satan before He could receive the comforts prepared for Him by God? In fact, maybe Satan may have stopped tempting Jesus much earlier if He had rebuked him after the first trial. 

God has given us the name that’s above all names, and He expects us to use that name to rebuke the devil. Be aggressive with Satan. We must stop discussing with him because, in the process, he might eventually succeed to trip us up through his cunning deceitfulness, just as he did with Eve. We must learn to rebuke Satan and rebuke him early. The angels are there to minister to you, but they wait for you to use the name of the Lord, which is the sword of the Spirit, to vaporize Satan’s evil suggestions. Use the name. Don’t die in silence. Don’t struggle in silence. Use the name, aggressively and frequently. 

“Lord, help me to be more aggressive in using Your name. Deliver me from engaging in lengthy discussions with Satan, when I should be rebuking him. I know I will enter the comfort that the angels have prepared for me, but I must first overcome the powers of Satan by using the Lord’s name. O God, help me fight the good fight using Your name. Amen.” 


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