February 1, 2018

Matthew 4:17 (NKJV) 

“From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” 

My primary ministry must be to get men and women out of the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of God. That ought to be the core of my calling and the focus of my interaction with the world around me. Preaching the gospel of repentance and the Kingdom of Heaven must be central in all my messages. In an age where the emphasis has been on the “feel good gospel,” I must see my calling as uniquely different, and I must not try to be like the others. 

Jesus’ priority was to ensure people entered the kingdom and lived by the principles of the kingdom. Although He healed the people and met their needs, this was not His priority. His primary focus was to ensure people were initiated into the Kingdom through repentance. And this must also be my priority. Seek the lost. Invite people into the Kingdom. 

“Lord, deliver me from being busy about so many things that don’t lead men into eternity. Help me to stay focused on the central themes that drive people into and keep men in the Kingdom. Circumcise my heart so that I don’t admire people with large ministries, grown from teaching worldly messages. Help my heart to stay focused on bringing men into the kingdom. Amen.” 


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