February 8, 2018

Matthew 5:5 (NKJV)

“Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”

The meek are the humble and God draws the humble near to Himself. Self-promotion and self-elevation is an affront to God because such an attitude claims that personal promotion and personal prosperity is tied to personal skill and personal effort, without recourse to God as the Source of all blessings.

Not so with the meek. The meek do not claim to know or to have or to be anything outside of the heavenly gift. The meek are meek because of the inward attitude that sees God as the reason for any and every good. The meek may be prosperous and highly placed in society and yet be incredibly simple-minded because of their attitude to life. To those who have no respect for the corrupt world systems neither claim to be something of themselves in this world, Jesus promises that they will inherit the earth. Meekness is a sweet fragrance, and the meek are sweet people. Unfortunately, most people consider meekness as weakness and therefore do not want to practice this discipline of life; and in so doing, they also deny themselves the promises for the meek.

“Lord, help me always see myself as You see me; as one who is nothing and can be nothing, without God. Don’t permit my heart to think of or embrace the poison of pride but keep me humble and simple, even if the world around me may take advantage of me or look down on me. Give me the spiritual strength to be weak and meek, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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