February 9, 2018

Matthew 5:6 (NKJV)

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”

This is one of the most encouraging and comforting of all of Jesus’ beatitudes. It’s a sure promise tied to a sure state of mind, and it thrills my heart. The restless pilgrim is restless because he is dissatisfied with his personal spiritual experience as well as with the consumerism and materialism that rules our world. The restless pilgrim hungers for more of God’s righteousness filling the world but also filling his personal life. The restless pilgrim hungers for a reality that is beyond the ordinary reality. He wants righteousness to fill the earth and to flood his life; until he sees that happening, he remains restless and continues the hunger and thirst.

Jesus promises a satisfaction to this hunger and thirst, and I believe Him. Jesus encourages us to hunger and thirst for the fullness of God’s righteousness. Jesus is with us who refuse existential living, and He is pulling us deeper into a higher and richer life. If we can step away from the common-sense reasoning and the human rat race, we will push deeper into that life that’s beyond us, just on the other side of this reality; a depth of divine righteousness that’s available from Jesus to those who desire it strongly enough. There’s a hunger that produces results, and Jesus is watching out for those who will bear this hunger.

“Hunger and thirst for Me. Say no to existential living. Hunger for the God righteousness that proceeds from heaven through Me, even to the children of men possessed by this hunger. Don’t accept traditional spirituality. Hunger for more. Hunger for Me. Hunger for God’s reality invading your world in real terms. Hunger my son. Hunger.”

“I hear You Lord, and I will not settle for less. I will hunger and thirst even more earnestly for the reality that’s just beyond the shores, for the experience of Your righteousness that’s beyond where I am at right now. There’s more, and I hear You calling me deeper into it and further away from the foolish ordinariness of normal Christianity. I wait hungering and thirsting. I wait on Your promise to satisfy me. My one request Lord. Please preserve my hunger and thirst for You, for even the ability to hunger and thirst must come from You. This I ask, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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