February 26, 2018

Matthew 6:10

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

In Matthew 6:9 the next most important duty for the redeemed man, after hallowing God’s name, is to spread the hallowing of His name. To want God’s kingdom to come and to desire that His will be done on earth as it is done in heaven, simply means, introducing and enforcing heavenly worship on earth.

Preaching the gospel and the work of ministry is simply the endeavor of the Church to bring unredeemed humankind into the place where they can join the heavenly choir in hallowing the Almighty One. Worship is the chief aim of every man and the only assignment of the heavenly beings. To bring God’s heavenly kingdom to earth or better still, to introduce into physical reality, the already existing and present spiritual reality, is our primary task as worshipping Saints. God desires that His creation hallows His name. Our job is to make God’s desire to become a reality, under the direction and leadership of God Himself.

“Lord, may all my ministry involvement be subsumed in this one great task of bringing Your desire for men to hallow You and live by Your heaven principles. May the energies and efforts I put into ministry, be primarily directed towards making this happen. Help me keep this as my priority, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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