February 28, 2018

Matthew 6:11   

“Give us this day our daily bread.” 

While hallowing God’s name is our primary duty, providing for the needs of His children is God’s primary obligation to us. As humans, we have real and dire needs; and irrespective of how spiritual you are, those needs are tangible and can be very urgent. The bread referred to here are not the vanities of life pursued by the majority of human beings; the bread refers to the underlying basic requirements for our existence. God sees and knows our needs, and we are encouraged to ask Him to meet those needs.  

It isn’t, therefore, wrong or a sign of being unspiritual when we go to God asking that our needs be met. God expects us to come to Him with those demands. Life can become very painful and unbearably harsh when the “breads” of living are unmet. Our God is a good God. He knows our emotional, physical and psychological needs. Don’t forget that part of our bread needs include spiritual encounters with Him and we mustn’t feel ashamed adding them to the list of bread needs. He is committed to meet all our needs. Just ask. Don’t feel bad asking. Don’t stop asking. God won’t be unhappy when we keep asking. He has more than enough resources to meet all our bread needs, so reach out to your benevolent Father and receive from Him all the good provisions you require for your living here on earth.  

“Lord, I come to You unashamedly asking that You arise and help me. I cannot meet my needs by my human efforts. I cannot by myself succeed to provide all that my humanity requires. I am too weak Lord. I need You, Lord. I look to You as my Provider. One of my greatest bread needs is the discipline to pursue You and obey You. I am so weak and unstable. Amongst other things Lord, grant me the bread of personal discipline. In Jesus name. Amen.” 


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