Matthew 6:13
“And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
One of our most needed prayers is, “deliver us from the evil one.” Because evil is evil and the seduction and wickedness of evil is hard to understand, we need the intervention of God to help us deal with Satan. The manipulations and attractions from the camp of the devil are beyond comprehension and only God in His might and majesty can deliver us from the Wicked One. Those who have fallen into sin may not have understood the veracity of evil and therefore had not learned to pray this prayer.
The power and the glory of the Kingdom belong to God. He is The Sovereign, and His Power and Authority is limitless. It is for this reason that we can ask Him to deliver us and we are confident that He will indeed deliver us. He is our God and being the good God that He is, He will not lead us into temptation. If however, He does allow us to face temptation, it will be for a season, and there will be sufficient grace to either face the temptation, or He will grant the discernment to know how to escape and overcome it. In summary, I have total confidence that God delivers His own from the tempter and his temptations. I simply must be sensitive to see what steps God wants me to take to overcome the enemy. Those who understand their limitations will make this a daily cry to God.
“Father, deliver me from the Evil One and his many deceptions. Deliver me, Lord, for I cannot deliver myself. Deliver me, Lord, because I am weak and frail without You. O Lord, because of Jesus, deliver me and help me to see how You want me to cooperate with You. Amen.”