Matthew 6:22-23
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness…”
Everything is tied to what you see and how you see it. What I let my life focus on will determine where I go, what I do and what I become. These are facts of life. It’s all tied to your sight, perception, and focus. The rest of my being and actions will follow what I allow my eyes to dwell upon. The heart influences the eyes, so my eyes will focus on the things my heart consider necessary; and reversely, what my eyes focus on will affect the condition of my heart. The heart and the eyes are interdependent and mutually influence each other.
To have an inner life filled with the light of God, I must strictly control what I allow my eyes to dwell on. And to control what my eyes stay on, I must firmly control what my heart meditates on. And to control what my heart meditates on, I must control what my eyes focus on. It’s all in one big circle of mutually influencing each other. What is the summary, therefore? Affect the cycle from one point, and the best point to do that is the eyes. Control your sight, and you have a new cycle of light and life. Permit your sight to dwell casually as it pleases, and you initiate your life cycle into a darkness that will eventually overtake your entire being. Break the cycle by focusing aright. That is the key.
“Father, I cannot do this without Your grace and strength. Indeed, I cannot do anything without Your help. I need my entire being to be flooded with the Light of God, but this cannot happen until You strenuously control and limit what I permit my eyes to focus on. So, my God, help me by Your Spirit. Control my inner desires and make them concentrate on the right things. Do a deep work of inward transformation so that my eyes only respond to Your Spirit. This I pray for, in Jesus name. Amen.”