March 7, 2018

Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Loyalty is what is required when dealing with a master. We need to define in practical terms, whom our real master is. It is easy to say the Lord is our Master when other agendas and other passions consume our hearts. When you have a master, he decides everything about you. Jesus is not your Master and Lord if you have areas of your life that are beyond His reach. The real master owns everything, your thoughts, your heart, your possessions, your time, and your life.

We need to be settled on whom our true master is. We need to carefully look at the details of our actions and decide if Jesus is truly Lord over every aspect of our lives. One of the greatest competitors for His Lordship is materialism, the god who rules the affairs of the physical realm. Mammon is a tyrant spirit that forces men to fall and bow to his authoritarian seductions. Mammon is powerful, and many live under the spell of his deceptions. Entire civilizations are controlled by the pursuit of the vanities that materialism provides and millions are deceived to think that life is more meaningful by the abundance of things they possess. That is the captivity of materialism. But they who are free do not bow to materialism. The power of mammon does not control them. We who are free indeed, confess and practice our freedom by living in direct opposition to the tyranny of mammon. We enjoy what we must here on earth, but refuse to be a slave to anything provided by mammon. We are slaves of Christ and live by the laws of heaven’s Kingdom, not by the dictates of human or spiritual seductions to the transient trinkets of materialism.

“Father, deliver me from the deceptions of the god of this world, that prince that holds people captivated by the entrapment of material possessions. May my heart never find peace with or accept the promises of pleasure and rest pandered by mammon. May my innermost being live in earnest and continual resistance to every voice urging me to serve this strange spirit. Let my passions and loyalties be solidly and unquestionably aligned to my Lord and King, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen.”


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