March 9, 2018

Matthew 6:34

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Worry dries you up. Worry does not change anything, except to damage you. How does worrying about tomorrow change tomorrow? Yes, there could be issues that could want to make us worried, but worrying is not the solution to the provocations of life. Worrying only increases your anxiety and multiplies your stress. The instruction is clear. Do not worry about tomorrow. The troubles of today are enough challenges themselves, and adding the worries of the future to the problems of today, is a recipe for personal disaster and spiritual famine.

So, what must we do? First, we must accept that worrying about our problems is itself a problem. Secondly, we can choose to obey the clear instructions of Jesus not to worry, since it adds no value nor brings a solution to the problem. Next, we can intentionally pray about tomorrow and the problems of tomorrow. When there are concerns about tomorrow, they need to be addressed, but the place to start is not by worrying. Instead, we should lift them up to God. And finally, planning reduces the need to worry. Many times, our fear about tomorrow is because we have not planned adequately.

“Lord, deliver me from the temptation to indulge in the useless practice of worrying. I confess it is useless because it has never helped me solve any problem in the past. Teach me every day to relearn the discipline of waiting in faith for You to act, and acting in faith by doing rigorous planning ahead of time. This I pray for, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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