Matthew 7:11
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”
Jesus is still dealing with the root issue of worry, and He anchors the cure to worry to the goodness of God. If God is good, then would He not take care of His children in need of good things? This root conviction must underpin our relationship with God. If we are not secure in His goodness, then we cannot trust He will look upon our problems and respond to them. The cause of all worries is a crisis of faith in the goodness of God. We worry because we feel we must take over our lives from God because He can’t be trusted and His goodness is questionable.
The demand of God on my heart this morning is to trust Him and to trust in His inherent goodness. If we who are evil can be good to our children, can we be more righteous and more dependable than the Almighty Father? Jesus lives in me. I am a redeemed son. I have the Holy Spirit. The blood of the Son of God was shed for me. My name is in the eternal Book of Life. So why, therefore, must I doubt that my Heavenly Father will not be good to me. The demand of God is simple: ”Trust in my goodness.” If we are confident in Him, then we will approach with faith and confidence, knowing that He will answer when we ask for bread or egg or any such useful and righteous thing. We can’t be more reliable and better than the Creator of good. Be secure in His goodness.
“Father, I accept the challenge again this morning. Yes, not everything may be going the way I’d want it to be, but I must trust You are good and therefore make my needs known to You in faith and not fear. I believe in Your goodness Lord, and I will always be secure in Your goodness. Amen.”