Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?”
We live in a church age where the emphasis has been on the outward demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit. Those who can demonstrate the power gifts are quickly followed, recognized and celebrated. For the orator and the charismatic preacher, a large followership is almost guaranteed. Yes, there is a need for the demonstration of the power gifts, and we must not ridicule those who have the grace to speak God’s Word with great eloquence; but we must keep seeking Jesus. Following men simply because of the outward gifts is very dangerous because the outward gifts do not define who the person is in himself. From the words of Jesus, it is possible to follow a ravenous wolf without knowing it.
Jesus, therefore, calls His people to caution. “Beware” is a note of warning. Beware of people who look good outside, but do not have the inward life to support the external activity. A false prophet is not one who prophesy falsely, but one whose inner life is in contradiction with the scales of heaven. Heaven has respect for the life of the prophet before the ministry of the prophet. If the man has thorns and thistles as his lifestyle, then heaven is not interested in his external ministries. The fruit that counts in heaven’s view is the fruit of grapes and figs, which connotes the lifestyle of the minister. Before flocking around a “great man of God,” the deeper question to be asking is: ”Does his life and ministry practice conform to heaven’s pattern?” As a minister myself, the real question to ask myself also is: “Is my life producing grapes and figs or thorns and thistles?”
“Lord, I had vowed a long time ago never to follow man except he is following You. Lord, that promise has not changed. But today, I cry for myself because there are some following me and woe unto me if my own life deviates from the divine blueprint. Father, I cannot be a false prophet. Deliver me from multiple activities when my inner life may be bankrupt, only having thorns and thistles. Help me Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.”