March 16, 2018

Matthew 7:21     

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

This is another fearful verse. It is possible to prophesy, do ministry, be active for God; and yet not belong to Him. It’s possible to be very gifted and very well known for successful ministry and yet not belong to Him. And if I don’t belong to Him, then He does not know me and will not accept me into His Kingdom.

In all our doing, only one index is important, and that is aligning ourselves with the will of God. While this verse is clear, the real task is in seeking to know His will for we cannot do His will if we do not know His will. Cheap religion makes you satisfied with superficial confessions and obeying repetitive dogmas, but these have no value in knowing God’s will. For them who want to walk with God really, they have learned to wait for God and continually study to know God. It’s a grave presumption to assume you always know God’s will. The bible teaches us to “study to be quiet.” Learn to wait in quietness before God. Learn to reflect and meditate on His Word. Learn to listen in silence. Learn to pursue after Him and thirst to know Him more. It’s in the search that there is the finding of God’s will, and it’s in the doing of God’s will that there is a confirmation of our place in the Kingdom. Knowing is the vital factor in doing God’s will.

“Lord, I want to know You more and to obey You fully. I know I cannot claim to belong to You if I do not obey You totally, and I cannot obey You without first knowing You and Your will. Pull me away from the superficial and draw me into the quiet recesses of spiritual silence, that I may therein know You and hear You. Please, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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