March 17, 2018

Matthew 7:25     

“and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

What are you standing on? What we are standing on will determine how we respond to situations around us. Many times, we are standing on the accomplishments of the past or the accolade of men. At other occasions, we are standing on a false sense of achievement or success that is not a spiritual foundation. The foundation is key to the sustenance of the entire structure. Adversity will surely come. Difficult days will surely come. Winds, floods, and rains will blow and beat against our lives. We cannot stop these from happening. No matter how spiritual we claim to be, the days of affliction and opposition and temptation will knock on our doors one day.

Are we ready for the storms in our homes? Are we ready for the severe criticisms at work? Are we ready for the winds of neglect, rejection, and ostracism? Are we ready for the negative remark, the loss of income and the death of a dear one? Are we ready for the trauma of personal sickness or personal failure? These winds will beat against our house, and they are surely coming. Vain is the wish that they will not come. Preparation is essential. Staying solidly anchored in Christ and His Word and by the power of His Spirit, is the only way His grace will keep us in the times of adversity. We must ensure we are laying the foundations afresh in Christ every day, for only thereby can we be adequately prepared for the sudden winds and tempests that may appear without warning. A man correctly found will survive the floods and winds. A man with a shaky foundation, though he may have good intentions and though he may have survived other storms in the past, will crumble like a pack of cards. Obedience to the Word of God is the surest to keep laying a solid foundation. Consistent disobedience to the general and specific Word of God is a perfect setup for a collapse in the days of adversity.

“Father, these days have been days of peace and rest on every side, but Lord help me to use these days of calm to lay and fortify my foundations in You. May these be the days when the Rock of Christ is firmly laid again and appropriately set in place. Lord help me prepare for the days of adversity. Make me ready Lord, for the coming days of adversity. This I pray, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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