Matthew 8:10
“When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!’”
What impresses Jesus is not our activities or external conformism to religious codes of conduct. What excites the heart of Jesus is when a man dares exercise faith in God. In this passage, Jesus stood in admiration of the centurion’s faith. No wonder the Bible says that, “whatever is not of faith is a sin.” All our great ministry plans and activities must be anchored on the foundation of faith. All we dare to do must be enveloped by the atmosphere of faith. All our hopes and dreams must be shot forth by the arrows of faith. True faith moves God. True faith amazes God. True faith excites God.
I must, therefore, walk by faith, live by faith and serve by faith. The righteous shall live by their own faith and not the faith of others. God is watching to see if I really believe Him and if I can exercise the faith that I say I have. Faith that is not tested and proved is not genuine faith. That is why God allows some tough times to come to us, so that we may have opportunity to exercise our dormant faith. Faith can die from lack of use. Like a muscle that becomes slack when left unengaged over time, our faith can easily become redundant when we are not forced to use it. And with each use, our faith becomes more robust and expressive. I must release my faith to believe God for greater things. If I only believe God for what is achievable by human effort, then faith is not engaged. As in the case of the centurion, l must dare to believe that God is great enough to do what He said He would do. Once He says it, my faith must enter active mode to accept His words are sufficient to produce the result my heart desires. Faith is enough. Faith is what God is looking for. Step out in faith and experience the supernatural.
“Lord, help me believe You and act on the trustworthiness of Your words. I know You are able and I know Your words are true. Just help me believe them with all my heart and take the risk of stepping out of the shadows of unbelief that’s kept me constrained in smallness. This I pray for, in Jesus name. Amen.”