March 25, 2018

Matthew 8:15

“’So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them.”

Jesus freely blesses and touches those whom He chooses. Or is there an unspoken expectation in His heart, an expectation that would fill Him with joy if we could discern this expectation? After the blessing is over and after we have received the healing, what we do next is crucial. For many, they give Jesus praise and then move on with life. But that was not meant to be, and we have much to learn from this quiet woman mentioned in this passage. After her healing, she did not continue life as normal; rather she arose from her bed of sickness and her normal life routine and went to serve Jesus and His team. This is what Jesus expected, although, He never mentioned it to her. She discerned it and responded correctly.

After God has blessed us, we need to rise with a greater passion for serving Jesus and His purposes. He has done us well. He has blessed us. He has healed us. He has touched us. He has taken away our discomforting and overwhelming fevers and pains. Now we must arise and pay Him with the currency of voluntary and joyful service. We must show our gratitude through increasing our committed giving and service to Him. Although He has not demanded it, He expects it. In grateful reciprocation, may we grow to serve our Lord and King who has freed us from our various fevers and blessed us with His abundance. This is the only correct response and may we grow in discernment to know how to serve Him.

“Lord, Your blessings over me have been incredible. I have been racked by repeated fevers in my life, but You have always touched me and freed me. How can I live in any other way than in total submission to serve You? Grant me Lord, that perpetual inner discernment that shows how I can serve You and serve Your people, in such a way that Your heart would be glad. Making Your heart happy is my life ambition Lord, but of course, I cannot do it without You. So, help me. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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