March 26, 2018

Matthew 8:16      

“When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick…” 

The power in your words are tied to the power in your life. When your life is weak, your words are weak. When your life concentrated, your words are concentrated. The frivolous man spends his time talking away and ends up emptying his life on the trays of common and irrelevant tables. The man who wants his life to count for something cherishes his words and concentrates his life. 

Jesus was a concentrated man. He knew what His mission was and He knew He needed to focus His energies on that mission. He also knew that His word needed to be full of heaven’s authority to deal with the forces of darkness, so He spoke only when necessary to preserve the inner content of His life. A leaking bowl cannot store water for long, and so it is with a leaking mouth; it drains out the inner store of spiritual virtues. Jesus was not like that. His words were so full of stored power that demons were cast out of people “with a word,” not even with many words. That is stored power at work. When we speak much and frequently and with great energy before we can get the expected response, this betrays our word-power and life-concentration levels. Consecration needs concentration for power reproduction to occur, and if there’s one thing we desperately need in this day of evil   

“Father, my inner level of spiritual concentration is low, and the power content in my words is likewise low. I don’t just want a consecrated life; I need a concentrated life. Take me away from the frivolous life of multiple words that have no relevance, and concentrate my inner life by the powerhouse of heaven, so that in You, my words may have the authority of God to confront the forces of hell in my generation. This I crave for, in Jesus name.” 


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