March 29, 2018

Matthew 8:19      

“Then a certain scribe came and said to Him, ‘Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go’” 

Can we really follow Jesus wherever He goes? Even when Jesus told His disciples that where He was going, that they couldn’t come there, they were adamant and insisted that they wanted to. And this was a right attitude. For the true disciple, following Jesus meant following Jesus. For the early disciples, following Jesus meant wherever and whenever, and for as long as was needed. There were no holidays and no vacations in following Jesus.  Following Jesus means everything and always. It was the mark and measurement of progress. In good times and bad times, the disciples followed. 

Are we really following Jesus in our generation? Is following Jesus the mark and measurement of my personal spirituality? Is the quality of my faith weighed on this same scale of following Jesus, even when it seems Jesus is not responding to our appeals and supplications? It’s sad, but many have concluded that the evidence of following Jesus aright is in the evidence of physical blessings that must flow from Jesus to you. This absurd doctrinal twist has made Jesus the compulsory provider of houses for men even when He Himself had nowhere to lay His own head. May we follow Jesus wherever He is. This would mean we are ready to sleep where He sleeps, eat what He eats, go where He goes and stand with Him at all times and in all circumstances. This is what it means to truly follow Jesus. 

“Lord, for most of us, the real challenge is in discerning and knowing where You are, so that we may follow You. My deepest cry today is for the discernment to see You, after which following You is much easier. So, open my eyes to see You, Jesus, in real terms and real circumstances. Help me to sense Your direction, and by Your grace, I will turn my back on all else to walk with You. In your name, I pray. Amen.” 


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