April 3, 2018

Matthew 8:29      

“And suddenly they cried out, saying, ‘What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?’” 

“Oh Lord, take me beyond where I am.” Here is what real heavenly authority looks like. Two demon-possessed men lived in tombs and were so fierce and evil that no one dared pass through the areas where they operated. It was unthinkable even to get close to them. On the contrary, people fled from them. However, when these men saw Jesus, they responded in three ways. First, they cried out. This was not what they had expected to happen. They had seen someone who was above and beyond them. Secondly, they identified Him as the Son of God. They did not need a theological debate to arrive at that conclusion. Finally, they pleaded not to be tormented. And all this while Jesus had not yet spoken or done anything. Isn’t that amazing? 

This is real power. This is what it means to live the heavenly life. The man possessed by the Spirit of Jesus needed to have a similar effect on the men possessed by the spirit of Satan. We need to seek that encounter with Jesus that allows Him to rub off on us sufficiently, that we likewise have this same impact on the people around us. Evil needs to fear the Spirit of Jesus in us. We need not flee like others. Because of the fierceness of Satan, we tend to join others to escape, but that is not our calling. If Jesus dwells in us in all His fullness, then the powers of Satan need to identify the Living Jesus in us and flee from us. One of the greatest evidence of our salvation is the natural manifestation of God in us and through us. But is that happening to you? With one word, “Go,” the demons left the men. That is real authority from above. Do you crave this? 

“Lord, I want more of You; much more than I have currently. Lord, I want an encounter that will overtake me and flood me, and after that introduce Jesus to my world by the overflow of your Spirit that dwells in me. Overwhelm me with Your Spirit, O Lord. Overwhelm me and let Your power flow naturally through me, to the world around me. This I pray for, in Jesus name.” 


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