April 5, 2018

Matthew 8:32      

“And He said to them, ‘Go.’ So when they had come out, they went into the herd of swine. And suddenly the whole herd of swine ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and perished in the water.” 

We are messengers of deliverance, sent to deliver our world from the tyranny and oppression of Satan and His evil spirits. We are messengers with the full backing and authority of God. Our world is full of devils and men who are unfortunately possessed and oppressed by these evil beings. It is not their place to live in men, but they sneak in and take over the unsuspecting man. They make the man the vehicle and carrier of his filth and wickedness. Our world is full of demon possessed people, and we cannot stand by while the creation of God is overtaken by these intruders. We are messengers sent out to confront the world of devils, and we must take this task very seriously. 

Jesus did not negotiate with the devils. Jesus did not pity the devils. Jesus simply confronted them and cast them out. It is amazing to see that the numbers of demons in these two men were so much that a whole herd of swine were insufficient to contain their velocity. And yet these multitude of devils occupied the soul of two human beings. It’s terrible. Our world needs Jesus, but these demons will do everything to prevent people from experiencing Him. We are messengers of confrontation. We are messengers of power. We are messengers of deliverance. We need to step into this divine assignment. 

“Lord, as You sent Jesus, so are You sending us. This world is full of devils who are occupying the lives of men, taking up the holy altar that was meant to be occupied by the Spirit of God. Lord, fill me with Your indignation and holy anger to confront these imposters with the heavenly might, and use me to uproot them from the spirits of men whom they have enslaved for so long. This I ask for, in Jesus name. Amen.” 


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