April 12, 2018

Matthew 9:17   

“Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

Don’t mix it. We must decide where we want to belong. If we are choosing to walk in the ways of the Spirit, then we must choose to abandon the ways of the flesh. If we are choosing to walk with Jesus, in the vision of Jesus, then we must depart from our personal visions. If we want to live in the life of revival, then we must turn away from old orthodox ways that have no life.

Mixing will only lead to your personal loss. Mixing visions, passions and priorities will just make you mediocre at the end of the day. Jesus wants to pour out the passions and powers of heaven upon those who will abandon the old rigid unfruitful structures of human effort and religion. Only those who open up completely to the ways of the Spirit and dare put away the traditions of fruitless habits will experience the newness promised. There’s a new wine flowing from above. There’s a new wineskin needed to carry the fresh outpouring. Will you move out of your old stale position and embrace the possibilities of something you’ve never experienced, or will you choose to stick with traditions that have not done much for you or for advancing the Kingdom?

“Lord, I want more than I have presently. I want the outflow and the soaking of the new wine. I bow my heart this morning to ask that You don’t pass me by but flow into my wine skin in ways that are beyond my wildest dreams. I groan for this new experience, and I refuse to protect my old wineskin. Break the old Lord Jesus. Expunge the old. Craft a new casing in my spirit that is capable of embracing the new infilling. This I pray, in Your name. Amen.”


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