Matthew 10:20
“for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.”
We are too willing and too quick to speak such that we do not wait for Him to speak. The Spirit of God is real and able to speak, but He many times must remain silent because we are too quick to talk. For those who are very self-motivated and highly driven, they tend to think they know what to say and how to say what needs to be said. However, a time comes when such self-confident people become tongue-tied because they’re confronted with situations that are beyond their knowledge, skill or eloquence. This type of crisis is good because it pushes them back to wait on God.
We must let Him speak. He wants to speak. Let’s reduce our self-confidence and give Him opportunity to express Himself through us. When He speaks, He speaks the mind of God expressly, in ways that we never can. The Spirit of the Father wants to bring the message of the Father to men. The Spirit of the Father is feeling gagged by our strong will and our unwillingness to wait for Him. What power and wisdom would flow through us if we let Him speak more often. Let’s not wait for tough situations when our wisdom has dried up before we give in to Him. Let’s make it a daily habit of waiting for Him to speak.
“Lord, I’ve managed myself too much. I’ve spoken when I should have been silent and I have been silent when I should have spoken. Lord, help me learn to let You speak fully and freely through me. Holy Spirit, please speak more expressly through me, in Jesus name. Amen.”