May 8, 2018

Matthew 10:39

“He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.”

Life. All of this life is imprisonment to the materialistic and temporal. This temporary existence holds humanity in a vice-like grip that demands our total focus on the things of this present existence. This bondage makes us live as though all that there is to life is the living of this life. This mirage is falsehood at its highest, and this falsehood prevents us from seeing that there is a higher life that can be lived while living in the body of this human life.

We have been called to remove ourselves from these shackles and to throw our lives into the hands of Him who can usher us into ttrue life. Jesus is Life. If we lose our old life because we want to live the true life with Jesus and in Jesus, then we will discover what true living is all about. The heavenly life is the life that Jesus offers us here on earth. His offer of true life is full of deep communion with the Lord of life Himself which cannot be compared with this cancerous existence of materialistic pleasures that is described as life. But we can’t have both. If we want the abundant life, then we must turn our hearts away from these deceitful and temporary illusions called earthly pleasures. For His sake, we can lose this shadowy existence and embrace the extravagant pleasures of divine living.

“I want the fullness of heaven’s life, O God. I am not satisfied with this present shallow life. I know that while I live in this flesh, I can experience more than I have experienced of the life of heaven. I want more Lord. I want to enter deeper. Take me deeper, Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.”


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