May 15, 2018

Matthew 11:16-17 (NLT)

“To what can I compare this generation? It is like children playing a game in the public square. They complain to their friends, ‘We played wedding songs, and you didn’t dance, so we played funeral songs, and you didn’t mourn.’”

Our generation is becoming hard of hearing. The spiritual antenna of our age is not focused on the things of heaven, but on the things of this world. The more in-depth message calling our world to seek God’s higher expectation is being drowned by the louder messages urging men to pleasure, carnality, and humanism. Our world is more satisfied with Religion than with walking the spiritual life. There’s a strange melody being played out there.

To preface the quoted verse, Jesus said in verse 16, “To what can I compare this generation?” Jesus was showing that even His generation was unresponsive. If Jesus’ generation was considered unresponsive, then what can we say about this present one? Our world is dancing to another tune. The beats are from another kingdom. Unfortunately, the Church seems to have discovered this strange beat and in the name of spiritual adaptation, She is also turning to capture this newly discovered and attractive melody. But our tunes cannot change. Even if our generation does not respond to our melodies, we cannot change our heavenly message. Jesus is the center of our theme. Our melody is to glorify and serve Him. We live for Him and His cause, not vice versa. Friend, please don’t dance to the world’s beat simply because your melody is unpopular. This trend started with Jesus, so you have Him on your side.

“Jesus, I have resolved a long time ago that I cannot dance to the melody of the world. I will keep listening to and dancing to the heavenly tunes. I have chosen to walk the narrow path and seek the deeper experience with Christ. Superficiality cannot work for me. Keep me focused on You, Jesus. Amen.”


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