Matthew 11:25-26
“At that time Jesus answered and said, ‘I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.’”
Our Heavenly Father is not impressed with the worldly wise. These folks are smart in the eyes of the world and are considered prudent by the standards of the world. They may receive accolades and recognition by the world systems, but they are blind to deeper and simpler spiritual truth. Simple things are too simple for the worldly wise and in their wisdom, they lose sight of deep simplicity.
It’s God’s wisdom to make His most profound spiritual truths unreasonably simple so that spiritual perception is never the exclusive privilege of the highly educated or the worldly wise. Babes are the “simple-minded easily-believing bunch.” They don’t analyze too much but simply believe in the simple message. To these, the Father revealed the complexity of divine incarnation, and of this, Jesus said to the Father, “It seemed good in Your sight.” Let’s stay simple. More profound insights into Christ come from simple faith. Too much knowledge can hide the deep truths of God, and the more you think you know, the less you really do. Be a child at heart. Believe as a babe and watch God open your eyes to see what is hidden from the high and wise of this world.
“O Father, I choose to be simple. I choose the simple heart over the complex one. Deliver me from myself, O God, and show me Yourself in ways I have never imagined before. In Jesus name. Amen.”