Matthew 12:10
“…And they asked Him, saying, ‘Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?’—that they might accuse Him.”
We must be ready for those who will want to get us into trouble in a sneaky way. On the surface, they look ok and sound ok, but their motives are to entrap us in our words and to get us into an awkward spotlight. Be wary of these people because they may not be easily identifiable, except through spiritual discernment.
That’s what the Pharisees did with Jesus. They knew the Law forbade working on the Sabbath, but they wanted to use this tricky question to accuse Jesus of wrongdoing. Thankfully, Jesus knew what their intentions were and so replied appropriately. When we discern people do not mean us well and that their outward questions are actually intended to trap us, then our responses must be more guarded and full of heavenly wisdom. Don’t treat everyone equally. Discern before responding.
“Father, I need to grow my spiritual discernment so that I can know what to do and how to respond in each situation. Help me to live in constant preparedness, so I don’t fall into the traps set before me. In Jesus name. Amen.”