Matthew 12:13-14
“Then He said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ And he stretched it out, and it was restored as whole as the other. Then the Pharisees went out and plotted against Him, how they might destroy Him.”
Jesus knew that the Pharisees were seeking an opportunity to accuse Him and to destroy Him, yet He did not flee from them or deny what He knew was the truth. He knew that if He healed the disabled man, they would find ground to accuse Him; and yet He healed the man. He chose the correct line of action despite the negative backlash that it would produce.
Jesus was not just confrontational; He was standing for what was right and correct. We must not escape trouble by choosing to deny correctness. We need to learn to always stand for what is right and godly and proper, even if it goes against popular expectations and traditions. Of course, standing for truth against established structures will bring us problems, but we have no option but to stand with what we know is correct and what our consciences confirm is correct. We need to steel ourselves for the repercussions of standing for truth and yet, that’s what God demands each one of His children. Despite the odds, stand for correctness.
“Lord, I will not fear the persecutions nor flee from the crowd of the establishment. I choose to stand with You Lord, and if so doing brings me problems, then give me grace Lord to bear the brunt of standing with You. In Jesus name. Amen.”