May 27, 2018

Matthew 12:24-25

“Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, ‘This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.’ But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them…”

Don’t react to the accusations and the lies of men. Out of jealousy, people will attack you unjustly and seek to slander you at every opportunity. This is the reality of living on earth. Although it is painful, we should not react to what people say or do against us with ill motive. When we react, we fit into their script and expectations. When we react, we are only behaving, in the same way, they would act had they been in your situation.

Look at Jesus. Because He knew their thoughts, He did not react but merely responded to them. When we respond, we show a level of maturity that surprises the adversary. When we respond, we deal with the issues raised and forget about the personality. When we respond, we insist on maintaining our garments as priests of God and therefore refuse to stain ourselves with their filth. Satan is out to pollute you and the only way to rise above him is to find the grace never to react to men, but to instead, to respond to their issues.

“Father, teach me how to do this. I see my Master knowing the thoughts of men, so He knew how to respond correctly. Help me see and understand the ways of men, so that I can also learn to respond and not react. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.”


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