Matthew 12:33
“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit.”
We must step away from the spurious spirituality that’s known for its confessions and its pronouncements, and not for its works. So many may claim to be born-again and yet there is no evidence of the rebirth or the heavenly life. God cannot be mocked. While we are not saved (and cannot be saved) by our works, there is a strong case of showing whom you are by your actions.
If I am supposed to be a good tree but I keep producing rotten fruit, then something is wrong somewhere, and it can’t be the fruit. There is an apparent contradiction between who I claim to be and who I really am. The only way we understand the tree, is by the fruit and in the words of Jesus, the remedy is to “make the tree good,” and its fruit will be okay. We must solve the contradiction by focusing on the tree of our lives. It’s not the fruit that should be the focus, but the tree. And only Jesus can change trees. If we become frustrated enough about this contradiction, then we will be desperate in seeking help from Jesus. Only the desperately frustrated will turn away from the cheap faith that gives you an inward assurance that contradicts the outward life. It’s time to turn to Jesus to permanently solve the riddle of our life-contradiction.
“Oh Jesus, solve my riddle by dealing with the root of my tree. It’s not good enough to have the right confession. I need my fruit to speak clearly and loudly that I am a good tree. Do this for me, Lord, in Your name I pray. Amen.”