Matthew 13:1
“On the same day, Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea.”
Some of us are so housebound that we hardly spend time outdoors. We live in a generation that has created so many toys and indoor attractions that we have become indoor-addicts. We sit around tables with our electronics and screens. We hardly learn the freedom of going out to meet God in nature. Nature is not God, neither should nature be confused with the characteristics of God because nature is itself a creation of God. However, when we find space to be alone with God in His nature, it is like walking back into the Garden of Eden and sitting quietly in the presence of the Almighty.
Genesis talks about God meeting Man in the cool of the day: in His garden. Nature is God’s garden, and we may find a new connection with God in the quiet cool of our days if we can merely extricate ourselves from the myriad of indoor bondages which, chain us down to material addictions. We need to find quality times to step away from the indoor trap and step away into the garden of nature. In the passage above, we see Jesus stepping away from the house and going to sit quietly by the sea. We don’t know how long He enjoyed this time with His Father by the sea before the crowds caught up with Him, but He still had some time away from the house, away from people, with His Father and in a place of nature. I believe this is a worthy example of Jesus to follow.
“Lord, I feel trapped by work and things, gadgets, and people, so much, so that going out with You into the solitary place in Your creations of nature, all seem too distant. But today, I ask for help to learn to walk away from the house of things, into the nature of creation, to meet with You in the cool of my day. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.”