Matthew 13:2
“And great multitudes were gathered together to Him so that He got into a boat and sat, and the whole multitude stood on the shore.”
Don’t live with the crowd. For your personal well-being and health, keep a relative distance between you and the generality of people. Of course, you need to have your inner caucus of close friends, but don’t let yourself become absorbed with the masses. Even Jesus the Master, as much as He loved the crowd, knew when to step back and step away.
In this passage, although the multitudes gathered to Him, He got into a boat and sat while the crowds stayed on the shore. He was still with them, but He gave a little gap. It’s not pride to give a bit of gap between you and the people you’re leading. Over-familiarity, they say, breeds contempt. This adage is particularly true when it comes to leading the masses. Keep a little safe distance; not too far removed but removed enough to still impact them without letting them overrun your life.
“Father, I know how true this is from experience and while I am determined to pour my life into those around me, help me always to remember that a little distance is necessary for effective leadership to happen. Help me, in Jesus name. Amen.”