June 10, 2018

Matthew 13:3  

“Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: ‘Behold, a sower went out to sow.’ ”

Don’t limit your options. In life, learn to scatter wide. Of course, some things need narrowcasting and not broadcasting, but in most situations, you need to spread your seed among many options. Since we cannot be sure of which ones will blossom and prosper, and which ones won’t, it’s good to seek to touch as many possibilities as are available, while hoping for the best.

Whether it’s business, academics or spiritual ministry, don’t limit yourself. Though this parable primarily applies to the sowing of God’s word, the reality is that it’s a parable that has broad implications. Keep casting your seeds. Keep trying. Don’t give up on yourself. Yes, some seeds will not bear fruit, and some seeds may spring up and disappoint us later; but if we cast our seeds wide enough, some seeds will bring us joy by their harvest of yields. So, don’t limit yourself. Scatter wide. Reach out wide. Give yourself many options.

“Lord, let me not withhold my seed because am looking for the perfect soil. Release me to take the risk of casting wide and help my heart not to be discouraged if a few seeds don’t measure up. I know that out of the many, You’ll give me success in a few. Amen.”


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