June 15, 2018

Matthew 13:12  

“For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

This is somewhat strange, but the ways of the kingdom are not always easy to comprehend. For those who have the good seed of the Kingdom in their hearts, God increases the seed and the glory of God. Those who have cheapened the work of grace in their lives, even the first grace that they received will be lost. God does not throw His pearls among swine, and if we do not consider His grace worth our while, then we are undeserving of the free gift of grace.

It is mandatory, therefore, that we work under grace to preserve the gifts of grace in our lives. God wants to take us to the place of abundance of grace, but we must first appreciate the work of initial grace before entering into the abundance. There is an abundance planned for those who will desire it and prepare for it. For the careless, their fluctuations with God empties them of even the little grace they had and leaves them void of God and unable to even walk the paths towards abundance.

“Lord, I want Your abundance. I need Your abundance. O God, work with me to multiply the little I currently have so that I enter into the experience of Your abundant grace overflowing through my life. This I plead,  in Jesus name. Amen.”


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