June 18, 2018

Matthew 13:30  

“Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”

The world is a mixed community and once we remain in this earthly dwelling, everywhere will always have this mixed multitude. In every segment of society, there will be the good and evil, and expecting otherwise is merely being presumptuous. Even in church circles, we must live with the understanding that there will be the mixing of the good seed and the evil tares. There cannot be, and there isn’t any society on earth where there isn’t some form of dilution and mixing.

So, live with that reality. It’s a fact, and it’s a situation that God Himself has allowed to persist. Only when we enter the Heavenly City will the demography be homogeneous. Here on earth, be constantly aware that evil lurks closely and intermingles with the good. Of course, on the last day of judgment, there will be the inevitable separation, and unfortunately, the evil tares will end up being burnt. But for now, they will exist together with us, and we cannot entirely erase them from our society. So, let’s accept it and live with it.

“Father, how I wish I could live in a place of complete holiness and righteousness; where there is no evil and where the flesh nature does not exist. But I know that’s an illusion in this world, so teach me, Lord, to live amidst sinful and broken men without contaminating myself with them. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.”


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