Matthew 13:32
“which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.”
I reject smallness in Jesus name. By the nature of the kingdom seed in me, I am called to be an expanding multiplying tree, giving shade and rest to many others. I reject smallness in my life because smallness does not agree with the DNA of the kingdom. The kingdom of heaven is designed to expand, influence, conquer and increase. That’s the DNA of the Christ-life in us; that’s one of the things that the regeneration is supposed to achieve. I refuse smallness and refusing smallness must not be seen as pride, but it is a purposeful desire to fulfill my purpose and DNA.
I refuse smallness, but I will not seek growth from human strength. It was not the tree that made itself big and more significant than the herbs of the field. The seed did nothing but merely allow the inbuilt potential within to manifest. There is inbuilt potential of the Kingdom of heaven within my bosom, and that inbuilt reality is fighting to break forth. I must not make it break forth either must I restrict it. I must move with the moving of the inward stirrings, and I must not let fear of men or fear of failure stop me from responding to the inner convictions and inner urgings of the Spirit. I refuse smallness, and I refuse to come down to the narrowness of others. When the branches spread out from my life, I know many can come under and nest in it. I will not become a small ground spreading herb because others around me are like that. Our DNAs may be different, and for me to be true to myself, I must refuse smallness.
“Lord, I refuse smallness. I refuse to act or live contrary to the DNA of God within me. I will fully cooperate with the mustard seed within me and let it take on the life it was meant to be. O God, help get out of the way so that You can do what only You can do through Your mustard seed. In Jesus name. Amen.”