Matthew 13:33
“Another parable He spoke to them: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.’ ”
Influence does not have to be brash, loud and oppressive. For many people, they only can exert influence when they throw their weight and authority around. This type of control creates a lot of hurt and bitterness, and although people may seem to comply externally, they are unhappy on the inside. Worldly influence usually uses this type of forthright and direct impacting and of course, the results are externally remarkable, but people are internally unstable and feel abused.
Godly influence is usually quieter and more profitable to the receivers. As in this parable, those of the kingdom penetrate society quietly and slowly influence the entire community by the quality of the nature they bear. One small portion of yeast can quietly penetrate and impact three measures of dough, without making any noise. Although people see the dough of flour changing in size and texture, they do not see the quiet work of yeast working in the background. So, must we be. We need to get integrated with society and get involved with our communities and get genuinely interactive with our families and team members, so that we can thereby shine like light and influence as salt, within the depraved world around us. The quiet invasion is the key to profound and long-lasting impact. Don’t force your influence on people; penetrate quietly through deep and godly interactions.
“Lord, am glad that You are speaking to me in this way. Teach me to love, serve and touch people’s lives in a deep and meaningful way, through the very life of Jesus flowing through me. Amen.”