June 23, 2018

Matthew 13:44  

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy, over it, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

In this life, there will be the invitation to pursue many different goals and set so many different targets; and different types of indices will measure our successes. But how should we truly measure our lives, if not by that standard that has eternal significance? All other goals and pursuits will fade away and eventually disintegrate into nothingness, but there is a treasure, which lasts forever. The kingdom of heaven is the only lasting treasure that has any real significance.

If our hearts are set out to conquer worldly treasures and not the treasure of God’s Kingdom, then our lives will only be like a vapor that has no substance. If our pursuits do not rally around and centralize the values of the kingdom, then we are chasing a mirage. Whatever we do, it must reflect, impact and be centered on the life and benefits of the kingdom of heaven. There must be no treasure in our hearts that can compete with the kingdom of heaven. The man who has discovered this kingdom is a joyful man and his joy is because he knows that he’s found the best of this life and the next. Always make Jesus your treasure and centralize your entire life around Him and His values, and unceasing everlasting fountains of joy will be your portion. Amen.

“Father, thank You for making Jesus the accessible treasure for we who have found mercy in You. May we find Him sufficient joy to live by even as we wait to experience the fullness of His kingdom fully. Amen.”


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