June 24, 2018

Matthew 13:51  

“Jesus said to them, ‘Have you understood all these things?’ They said to Him, ‘Yes, Lord.’ ”

“Don’t let me go unless I fully understand, Lord. Please don’t let me go.” This is the cry of my heart. Jesus had to use so many illustrations and parables to help His disciples come to terms with the realities of the kingdom. The truth is that Jesus could not speak to them in simple and plain language because of their inability to see or receive the depth of the divine revelation as it is. And neither can I. That’s why I need help.

I need help to understand Jesus. I need help to understand the ways of the Spirit. I need help to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. I need help to understand the mind of God. I need help to see beyond the superficial of today’s emergencies. I need help to see this life from heaven’s perspective.  The summary is that I need help to understand. And the cry of my heart is that my Lord will take the extra pains to show me myself and show me where I fit into this eternal landscape and ensure that I grasp these deeper mysteries that give this present shadowy life, real meaning.

“Lord, I crave to understand. I know I am slow to grasp these higher things, but You promised to reveal them to babes. For the sake of Jesus, open my understanding to see and hear and understand all that You have for me. Amen.”


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