June 25, 2018

Matthew 13:54-55, 57  

“When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, ‘Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son?’…So they were offended at Him…”

Familiarity can breed contempt and lead to blindness. Wherever Jesus went, people were astonished by His miracles, teachings, and wisdom because He was like an enigma to them. They could not place Him, neither could they decode Him. But when Jesus came to His people, they marveled at His wisdom, but they refused to believe because they could trace His roots and knew Him right down to His family. And therein lies the blindness of unbelief.

Don’t judge people by how much you know them in the physical. Evaluate every man by the grace He has in the spirit realm. Familiarity with a person’s past may blind you to seeing the deeper graces he has received on his journey with God. And the same applies in our relationship with Jesus. Never get too familiar with Him because it might blind us to see His majesty and awesomeness. Never assume you have decoded Jesus and you know all that there is to know about Him. This is the familiarity that breeds contempt and blindness. So, whether with Jesus or with others we may claim to know, look beyond the familiar and look to the grace of God upon the life.

“Deliver me from the spirit of over-familiarity. Help me to see Your glory or the lack of it, in the lives of those I mingle with. Jesus, help me always to see Your splendor and to remained awed by Your Majesty. Amen.”


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