June 26, 2018

Matthew 14:3 

“For Herod had laid hold of John and bound him, and put him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife.”

For those who will speak the truth and stand for the truth, persecution is inescapable. While John the Baptist had been preaching his revival messages by the Jordan River and in the wilderness, Satan fumed and secretly longed for an opportunity to get him. Satan raged as he saw the truth preached by John penetrate and cut into the heart of the people. Satan fumed because his kingdom was being drastically affected by the raw truth being spoken by John. But Satan didn’t just rage; Satan crafted the perfect come back.

Persecution is Satan’s fight back against those who boldly bear the truth. It is inescapable. Thinking you can stand for righteousness and get away scot-free isn’t reality, but an illusion. Maybe it’s the fear of persecution that keeps many people silent, cowering and tongue-tied. But for the righteous, we must be as bold as lions, irrespective of what may happen to us. For the sake of the truth, we must be willing to go through persecutions and pains. This is an integral part of our calling, and we cannot escape from it.

“Lord, I know the fear that rises on the inside when we need to stand for truth. But despite that inner fear, make me bold to stand for You, irrespective of the persecution that could result from my action. This I pray for in Jesus name. Amen.”


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