Matthew 14:8
“So she, having been prompted by her mother, said, ‘Give me John the Baptist’s head here on a platter.’ ”
It had often marveled me that this young lady would ask for the head of John the Baptist when she had the opportunity to ask for a thousand other “more glorious things.” In reality, the head of John the Baptist had no real value to her as a person, neither did she consider it of any tangible personal interest to her; except of course that her mother wanted it. Her only interest in the head of John was because her mother prompted her to make that request. Why would she leave the great opportunity given to her by Herod to follow her mother’s prompting? That’s called true discipleship. And true discipleship is always tied to a person and an agenda.
Discipleship is the deep influence one person has over another. Discipleship always involves the promoting of a specific agenda through human decisions. Discipleship is the quiet work of heart influence that you can have over another life. All across the kingdom of Satan, leaders have been raised who are discipling others. They are actors, artists, artisans, etc., but influencers who set themselves up as models and prompters for each generation. As followers of the light, we must see that one of our key ministries is the quiet work of disciple-making. This ministry does not need to be loud, yet it can be one of the most effective ministries there can be. People need prompters, and under the right influence, people will give up their great opportunities for personal gain to follow the prompting of their disciplers. Who are you prompting in the ways of the kingdom?
“Father, I am prompting a few, but I am asking for grace to be more deliberately involved in prompting others. Let Your quiet work, flow through me into the lives of those You will want me to draw closer to You. In Jesus name. Amen.”