Matthew 14:9 (NLT)
“Then the king regretted what he had said; but because of the vow he had made in front of his guests, he issued the necessary orders.”
Don’t be quick to make vows before the Lord or before men because a vow made must be a vow fulfilled. Men of integrity are slow to make commitments because such commitments should be binding, except if some extraneous reason occurs to change it all. We need to be hesitant to make promises because failure to fulfill them will only bring a smear on our character and personality. Impulsive actions can be very dangerous because of the commitments they might bring upon you in the future.
Herod was quick to make a vow to this young lady because her dancing fascinated him. And when she came back with the request for John’s head, he was shocked. This was the last thing he had thought she could ask for; and yet, because he had made the vow, he had to fulfill it. Don’t be quick to make promises because when you do, integrity demands you perform it. Herod was a wicked ruler, but he was also a man of integrity. Although he really didn’t want to kill John, he had to do it to stay true to his promise. May we likewise be people of integrity who always execute our commitments, even when it is inconvenient to do so.
“O Lord, help control my tongue so that I am slow to make promises; but whenever I do, give me the strength to fulfill my promise. I ask for grace for this, in Jesus name. Amen.”