June 30, 2018

Matthew 14:14 

“And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.”

Jesus had a soft heart for people. Jesus knew that people were needy and vulnerable and this bothered Him. Jesus knew they were only selfishly coming to him because they had a need, but He still didn’t send them away or rebuke them. He knew they had issues and that they needed solutions, and that was why He had come. Yes, most of them had no clue about who He was, and most of them were only coming for their selfish reasons; yet He felt compassion for them.

This is the heart of ministry. The heart of Jesus must be our heart, and we must feel for the poor and needy in our communities. Even when they never bow to or come to faith in Christ, they must be seen as worthy of our love and assistance. Have compassion on those who are vulnerable because God’s heart is full of compassion. God works with compassionate hearts and the power of miracles flow from God through compassionate people, to touch a desperate and bleeding world. God is looking for men of compassion to work through. Can we be among them?

“May I never become a Scribe or Pharisee who knows all about the script and the letter of religion but lacks the soft heart of love and compassion for people. Never let me become hardened O God, in Jesus name. Amen.”


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