Matthew 14:16-17
“But Jesus said to them, ‘They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.’ And they said to Him, ‘We have here only five loaves and two fish.’ ”
There were over five thousand people hungry for miracles, but also literally and physically hungry because they had been following Jesus for so long that they didn’t have time to take care of themselves. Now the disciples presented to Jesus, a natural and logical suggestion for Him to send the people away to go and take care of their food needs; but Jesus refused this legitimate proposal. In the mind of Jesus, the disciples were yet to see themselves as the ones to provide solutions for the people’s needs. Despite the seemingly impossible situation, Jesus still expected His disciples to meet the needs of the people.
As disciples of Christ, Jesus is making the same demands on us. While we may have our own pressing personal problems and while logic demands that we counsel people to sort out their problems by themselves, Jesus is commanding us to see our calling as that of solution providers to the needs of men. Every disciple of Christ is in the world to provide solutions to the issues of men, through the power of Christ. This is our calling, and we must live up to it.
“Father, while I have my own many problems yet unsorted, enlarge my heart to rise to meet the needs of the people You have placed around me. I know that as I do this, You will also meet my urgent or mundane needs. In Jesus name. Amen.”